The Essence of JavaScript


4 min read

Heya Everyone! Are you new to JavaScript? Don't worry, you've got everything covered!

JavaScript is widely used in today's software development environment. It is the cornerstone of frontend web development and is used in frameworks such as ReactJS, AngularJS, and VueJS. It can also assist build robust backends using platforms like NodeJS, run desktop applications, and run Progressive Web Apps on mobile phones. In a nutshell, it's everywhere. To begin with, when compared to other languages such as C and Java, JavaScript is generally easier to learn. When we say 'easier,' we mean how rapidly you can progress from being a JavaScript newbie to being able to make a living writing professional, high-quality JavaScript code.

Remember that Java is a completely different language designed for a completely different purpose (albeit it is still used on some website backends). Finally, before we get started, keep in mind that JavaScript is a large language. This article will only cover a portion of it.


JavaScript is used in web applications to offer interactivity and automation. So, if you want your web application to be more than a static page of contents, you'll most likely need to do some "JavaScript'ing." JavaScript is used to create applications for phones and tablet with sophisticated animations using frameworks like React Native.

JavaScript was most likely utilized to enable you to play a game directly in your web browser, JavaScript has been used to create the front-end components of a web application. Things have changed, though, with the arrival of NodeJS, a popular back-end JavaScript framework. Now, JavaScript is also employed to create the back-end structure.


JavaScript cannot function independently. When a user requests an HTML page that contains JavaScript, the script is transmitted to the browser, and the browser is responsible for executing it. The key advantage of JavaScript is that it is supported by all modern web browsers. As a result, you don't have to worry about which browser your site visitor is using. It also works on any operating system. Thus, JavaScript addresses the fundamental drawbacks of VBScript (now outdated), which is limited to Internet Explorer and Windows.


To begin, you'll need a text editor to write your code and a browser to view the web pages you create. You can use whatever text editor you choose, such as Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, or any other text editor you're familiar with, as well as any web browser.


  • Adding interactivity and behavior to static sites using AngularJS is a simple task.

  • As technology advanced, browsers improved to the point where a programming language was required to construct sophisticated web applications. We merely need to click and drag the mouse to explore a map on Google Maps. All detailed views are merely a click away, and this is only possible thanks to JavaScript. It makes use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which provide the code more capability.

  • JavaScript made its way from client to server with the help of Node.js, and Node.js is the most capable server-side framework.

  • Because of the combination of JavaScript and HTML 5, JavaScript is very popular in game development. It includes the EaseJS package, which allows you to work with rich graphics.

  • JavaScript is used in all available devices and apps, including smartwatches. It supplies the PebbleJS library, which is utilized in wearable apps. This framework is useful for programs that rely on the internet to function.

  • Artists and designers can use JavaScript to draw on an HTML 5 canvas and make the sound more effective by utilizing the p5.js module.

  • Using machine learning, this JavaScript ml5.js library can be utilized in web development.

Limitations of JavaScript:

  • Complexity: To grasp a scripting language, programmers must have a full understanding of all programming ideas, core language objects, client and server-side objects, and so on. Otherwise, writing complex scripts in JavaScript would be challenging.

  • Weak error handling and type checking: Because there is no need to specify the data type of the variable, it is a weakly typed language. As a result, compile does not do incorrect type verification.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Catch you in another article about interesting topics! :)